English Lexicology

Artikel-Nr.: KIV225

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Daniel Lančarič

English Lexicology , Theory and Exercises

August 2016 (1. Auflage)

This is a book for undergraduate students of English philology, as well as for English language teachers and all those who wish to explore the heart of English vocabulary. The book is intended to serve as a general introduction to English lexicology, with the aim of systematically describing and classifying available sources related to the discipline, hereby helping readers become more proficient in the use and understanding of English words  The structure of the book is organized into eight main chapters, combining theoretical and practical issues

Weitere Produktinformationen

Buchinformation August 2016 (1. Auflage), ISBN 978-3-943906-25-7, 232 Seiten, Paperback, Format 14x20 cm, Gewicht: 285 g
Versand Ausland: Versand EU-Ausland pro Lieferung: Zusätzlich 5 Euro Porto zum Ladenpreis

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Hochschulen, Sprachen, Englisch